TCHAIKOVSKY - Autumn Song (arr. for orchestra)

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  • Nichifor Crainic - Cântec De Toamnă

    Voi, plopilor galbeni, aprinse făclii
    Ce ardeţi în zarea deşartei câmpii, 
    Înalte şi fumegătoare feştile
    De veghe la moartea frumoaselor zile !
    Dar moartea cu aripi de ceaţă v-atinge
    Când vântul vă bate şi ploaia vă stinge, 
    Iar frunza târzie, din rară mai rară, 
    Stropeşte pământul cu picuri de ceară ;
    Stropeşte pământul încet, până când
    Tulpinele goale-or rămâne-ncurând, 
    Pe zarea deşartă a moartelor zile
    Stând negre ca nişte scrumite feştile.

  • Wear your eyes as dark as night
    Paint your face with what you like
    Wear your love like it is made of hate
    Born to destroy and born to create

    Now baby, what've you done to your hair?
    Is it just the same time of year
    When you think that you don't really care?
    Now baby, what have you done?
    Done to your hair, done to your hair, done to your hair, done to your hair, hair!

    So when you hear this autumn song
    Clear your heads and get ready to run
    So when you hear this autumn song
    Remember the best times are yet to come

    Now baby, what've you done to your hair?
    Is it just the same time of year
    When you think that you don't really care?
    Now baby, what have you done to your hair?

    Wear your eyes as dark as night
    Paint your face with what you like
    Wear your love like it is made of hate
    Born to destroy: born to create, born to create, born to create, born to create

    So when you hear this autumn song
    Clear your heads and get ready to run
    So when you hear this autumn song
    Remember the best times are yet to come

    And wear your hair in bunches
    And your jacket loose
    So when you hear this autumn song
    Clear your heads and get ready to run

    So when you hear this autumn song
    Clear your heads and get ready to run
    So when you hear this autumn song
    Remember the best times are yet to come

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