Art OUT lanseaza Teen Art Out no 1

Art Out is an art, architecture, patrimony and preservation magazine.

Art Out este o revista de arta si arhitectura, patrimoniu si restaurare.

       Art Out magazine is now celebrating its first year: a year in which we stood out through our 10 issues, through our united and performant team and through our vast collaborations with artists, architects, profesionals, students and teachers from different faculties from Bucharest and from all the country.

We are grateful for your support for all this time and  we offer you a brand new suppliment: Teen Art Out.
You can read here Teen Art Out nr. 1:
You can find us also on facebook:
Teen Art Out no 1

Teen Art Out wishes to become a personal approach to the outer world, the written testimony of our society, through the eyes of teenagers, and not only. Be it music, arts, literature, architecture, fashion, events or so many more, Teen Art Out is where you will read about it.
       It is a place of wonder, a journey through fairytales and honest beliefs, a road filled with memories, dreams and hopes. Combining all that into a small magazine is our mission, and we hope to have you as our faithful reader.

       We want to hear what you have to say, to make you a part of our team through insightful debates and interesting testimonies. This is a place for everyone, where we try to help anyone in
need, to provide a friend through our pages.

Cosmina Simona Mihalca
Editor in chief Teen Art Out

For suggestions, opinions, proposals of articles and art projects, partnerships and collaborations  for Teen Art Out you can write here:
For sponsorship and advertise in Teen Teen Art Out, you can write to:


Aniversare Art Out 1 an de zile: lansare Teen Art Out

       Revista Art Out a implinit 1 an de la lansare: u an in care ne-am facut remarcati prin cele 10 numere editate, un an in care am format o echipa redactionala unita si performanta, un an in care ne-am bucurat de colaborarea cu numerosi artisti, arhitecti, specialisti, studenti si profesori de la diferite facultati din Bucuresti si din tara.

Va multumim ca ati fost alaturi de noi in tot acest timp si va facem cadou un supliment nou-nout la care am lucrat chiar si de ziua noastra aniversara: Teen Art Out.

Puteti citi aici Teen Art Out nr. 1:
Ne gasiti si pe facebook:

       Teen Art Out nr 1

Suntem mandrii sa va prezentam Teen Art Out, o revista noua, adresata adolescentilor si nu numai.
Dorim sa reprezentam mai mult decat niste cuvinte, dorim sa prezentam un anume spirit, acela al nostru si al cititorilor, al societatii, cu tot ce inseamna ea. Vom fi expresia colectiva, dar si a individualitatii creatoare.

       Va invitam intr-o calatorie intre realitate si fantezie, care sa va incante si (i)luminize, in acelasi timp sperand ca o sa doriti sa fiti parte din ea.

       Cu o aparitie lunara si rubrici dintre cele mai interesante, acesta este inceputul unei reviste a tinerilor, lipsita de constrangeri si prejudecati.

Cosmina Simona Mihalca
Redactor sef Teen Art Out

Pentru  sugestii, pareri, propuneri de materiale, proiecte artistice, parteneriate si colaborari legate de Teen Art Out:
Pentru sponsorizari si  reclama in Teen Art Out, puteti scrie la:

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