Remember! Remember The second september

In which we were cursed to forget and remember

A hell and a lake, or a thousand of years

That stubborn the walls and crush in the nears.

Remember! It was on a 2nd september

When people arrived in dispair and hunger

To urge annonymous ideas and yet

They were prepared to announce and forget!

Remember, my darling, that second september

Which turns into storms of a suddend october.

Through this you have been, but they wouldn't know

Which one is the best or the worst... Neither thou...

Remember the day when I screamed to the river

And praised all the waves to retain, not to shiver

Until they were ready for sinking a soul

That wishes to fight an unbodied parole!

Remember again if that 2nd september

Was fit for the Journey of a finished december.

If autumn brings blossoms to any next year,

Well, winter will always take care when theyʼre near.

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